How do i know if my child needs Speech Therapy?
Consult Speech Works if your child is having trouble in the following areas:
Reaching developmental milestones
Pronouncing sounds or being understood by others
Understanding words, grammar or sentences
Using words, grammar or sentences
Answering and asking wh- questions (who, what, where, when, why)
Reading and writing
Playing, interacting or conversing with others
Forming or maintaining relationships
Engaging in social situations
Participating in the classroom
Listening and concentrating
Demonstrating challenging or repetitive behaviours
Our Services
The production and pronunciation of speech sounds. This requires coordinating the vocal cords, articulators (lips, tongue, teeth, palate) and the respiratory system.
Receptive language
The ability to understand and comprehend spoken or written language. It involves listening and processing vocabulary, grammar and sentences.
Expressive language
The ability to convey thoughts, ideas and emotions through spoken or written language. It involves expressing and using vocabulary, grammar and sentences.
The skills required to decode written language (reading) and encode ideas into written form (writing). These skills are essential for effective communication and learning.
Phonological Awareness
The recognition that sounds make up words in spoken language. It includes skills like rhyming, blending, segmenting and manipulating sounds.
The smooth and effortless flow of speech with the absence of dysfluencies, such as stuttering. It is formed from various components, such as rhythm, rate and continuity
Social Skills
The skills required to effectively interact with others in social settings. These skills are crucial for building and maintaining relationships, and participating in the community.
Multi Modal Communication
The use of alternate means for individuals with complex communication needs to communicate. This may involve visual aids, sign language or communication devices.