Speech Works can help:
Achy throat
Speech Works can provide Laryngeal Manipulation (vocal massage) which has gained national recognition for helping voice users release muscle tension and significantly improve their vocal use.
Aphonia - voice loss
In many cases of “aphonia” (voice loss), the vocal cords are not damaged or physically impaired. Voice therapy can help to get your voice back
Hoarse/ strained voice
This could be a number of reasons including vocal cord nodules, polyps, acid reflux or a type of MTD (Muscle Tension Dysphonia) which is an umbrella term encompassing vocal hoarseness or voice difficulty relating to vocal strain.
Speech works will see those wishing to explore their singing voice, considering singing lessons, already having singing lessons and wishing to enhance their voice further with a supportive, vocally therapeutic singing programme.
Stop the burning
Speech works sees many clients who are suffering with acid/non acid reflux. We can help manage this to help reduce burning/inflammation in the throat.
“I keep losing the voice”
"I keep running out of air when talking"
"I sound creaky and dry"
"my voice feels strained"
"I feel the vocal range is gone"
"I’ve lost vocal power "
"my throat aches"